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Teer Results

We provide Shillong Teer, Khanapara Teer, Juwai Teer results online

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Have you checked Common Numbers? Don't miss.

Shillong Teer results, Khanapara Teer results, Juwai Teer results, Night Teer results are provided online here.

We update Shillong Teer results fastest of all and even before declared on the Polo board.
















Shillong Teer Results

Khanapara Teer Results

Juwai Teer Results

Night Teer Results




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Juwai Teer Result

Juwai Teer is a archery game run by Club Juwai. People who buy tickets for the Juwai Teer game can check the common number for the first and second rounds in our common numbers page. Winners are decided on the basis of the number of arrows shot in a particular round.

5G network promises to revolutionise connectivity with lightning-fast speeds and low latency, offering users an enhanced and seamless digital experience.

Juwai Teer
FR (02:30PM) SR (03:15PM)
94 27

Khanapara Teer Result

Khanapara Teer game is a legal game based on archery held in the Meghalaya border, East Khanapara of RiBhoi district. This teer game is It is organised by the club ThemMarwet, a group of 12 archery clubs from specific locality, at Themmarwet near East Khanapara, RiBhoi district, Meghalaya.

The arrows used in hitting the target should not be less than 30 and more than 50. In each round, 50 archers fire arrows at not less than 300 arrows and not more than 1000. For example, if 650 arrows hit in the round,the score would be 50, the last two digits.

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Khanapara Teer
FR (04:25PM) SR (04:55PM)
17 11
Khanapara Teer Result time may vary from day to day.

Shillong Teer Result

Shillong Teer is a legal and tradtional game of archery played in Shillong, Meghalaya. This game is now popular across the India and even United States also. The game is held every week from Monday to Saturday at the Polo Ground of Shillong centre. The tickets are available every day from 6 am except on Local holidays, 1 January, 26 January, 15 August and Christian holidays. Results are declared and written on the result board everyday.

We update Shillong Teer results faster than it's declared on the result board so that you need not to depend on any streaming video for results.

Shillong Teer
FR (04:12PM) SR (05:07PM)
53 98
Shillong Teer results are updated per availability and internet connectivity.

Night Teer Result

The Night Teer  Result for First Round and Second Round daily at 8:15 pm and 9:00 pm respectively. The result is announced in a two-digit number. Some websites use to publish Shillong Night 1, Shillong Night 2, Shillong Night 3 which is played after evening, but there is only one Night Teer and it's not related to Khasi Hills Archery Sports Club. Night Teer is yet to be considered by the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Club.

Fiber internet is more stable and consistent, especially in densely populated areas, where wireless networks might face interference. Ultimately, the choice between fiber and wireless 5G depends on factors such as speed requirements, infrastructure considerations, and the specific needs of users in a given location.
Night Teer Result
FR (07:15PM) SR (08:00PM)
92 02



What is Teer Common Number? - Teer Common Numbers are based on some calculations of previous teer result and target. Check our Teer Common Numbers daily. We provide Teer Common Numbers for Shillong Teer Number and Khanapara Teer Number in separate charts.


What is Previous Teer results? - Previous Teer Results are always important for regular Teer game players. A regular Teer player must have the record of previous teer results. Check Previous Teer Results at our website.


TEER players often use to check for Numbers that their dream says. Your DREAM may have the TEER Target number. Check your DREAM NUMBERS at our website. You should know how to play with Dream Numbers.


What is Teer Formula? - There is no MAKING NUMBER in teer game. TEER NUMBERS are based on mathematical FORMULA. You can find tips and idea about the Teer Formula at our website. We use to keep updated Teer Formula on regular Basis.